
Friday, February 15, 2019

Metropolis Symphony Essay -- Music Musical Musician Papers

The Development of the Programmatic Symphony from the 19th Century into the twenty-first Century Since the aboriginal symphonies of Sammartini and Stamitz the orchestral medicinal drug has underwent constant development. In the early nineteenth century Beethoven started a new take in of the music when he composed a unison based on programmatic music. The programmatic symphony is a composition that is written with non-musical influences. Program music is instrumental music which tells a write up illustrates literary ideas, or evokes pictorial scenes. Though the terminal originated with Listz, illustrative music has existed for as long as music itself.(Kennedy p. 579) The form is more like a multi-movement tone poem that tells a story though music. The symphonies of Haydn, and Mozart were pieces written with music that was not influenced by non-musical ideas. Other symphonies that rescue been written that are programmatic are Symphonie Fantastique by Berlioz, Symphony no. 3 Pastoral by Vaughan Williams, and Metropolis Symphony by Michael Daugherty. This paper leave behind show the similarities and differences between the programmatic symphonies of Beethoven, Berlioz, and Daugherty. Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770-1827 The first major programmatic symphony was written by Ludwig Van Beethoven in 1807-08. Although it was not stainless until 1808 there are sketches for the symphony that go as far impale as 1803. This was his sixth symphony and it was in F major. The first executing of the symphony was on December 22, 1808 which was the same premier of his fifth symphony. This symphony has five movements. The instrumentation for the symphony includes deuce flutes and piccolo, devil oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, two ... ...also has expanded the size of the wind section of the orchestra with several(prenominal) more instruments. While Beethoven and Berlioz composed their symphonies as complete whole works Daugherty al lows conductors to perform movements separately if they desire. This makes each movement more like a tone poem than a full symphony. It is easy to see though by the Dies Irae in the fifth movement and the storm like atm of the fourth movement how Daugherty was influenced by these two composers who came over one deoxycytidine monophosphate years before him. In conclusion, the programmatic symphony has been used to create approximately of the greatest works of musical literature in the past two hundred years. In the next century composers will probably ascertain in these composers footsteps and expand the size of the orchestra to create new timbres and tell stories with tone painting in symphonies.

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